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Reviving Production for Post MCO (By analyzing data)


A lot of business owners and employees are anxious to restart their operation as soon as possible and ramping up their production to pre-covid-19. However, they will run into issues should they not properly plan their actions. This module is aimed to assist both owners and employees to understand the underlying issues which is still lingering within the world economic situation and prepare them to ensure a smoother production roll out.
Upon completion of the training, participants are able to make a scenario case studies for all probable causes and outcome base on past data and assumption in a simple simulation

Course Duration

4 hours x 2 online sessions


Online lessons with  50 % Theory, 20% Discussion, 30% Practical

Course Content

Module 1 : COVID-19 Chain Effect
This is a profound impact on manufacturing & Supply Chain. In this part, participants will made to understand the actual situation of manufacturing before pandemic and during in which the pandemic is taking its highest impact on the economy and society. Data from Malaysia, US, Europe and Asia will be presented and discussed
DISCUSSION : Impact of COVID 19 to your organization
Module 2 : General Impact on Manufacturing
In this session, an insight of the direct impact on manufacturing will be discussed. A recommendations for next course of action will also be presented. From here the general loss to Malaysia manufacturers will also be discussed. Here participants will involve in comparing how the impact on manufacturing globally will effect their local operation
DISCUSSION : How the world impact will effect your local production
Module 3 : Mapping Scenario to Implementation (5 STEPS)
Here participants will be assisted on getting the 5 STEPS to properly reviving their operation in POST-COVID.

      • STEP 1 : Mapping POST MCO Supply chain
      • STEP 2 : Engaging in SCENARIO-PLANNING
      • STEP 3 : Conditioning Machine for Production
      • STEP 4 : Small Run
      • STEP 5 : Ramping Up

For details, please Contact Us